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A socio-cultural center at the heart of the endogenous and sustainable development of the city of Aquin (Haiti) and its inhabitants.

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• The general objectives of the project:

→ Ensure the sustainable, integral and endogenous development of the municipality of Aquin

→ Promote culture in all its forms.

• Specific objectives:

→ create a framework, a local meeting space to welcome, listen and act together

  • Creation of a socio-cultural center including a multipurpose room with 100 seats, a multimedia room and a library.

  • Establishment of a management committee for the center representing the living forces of the inhabitants of the district

  • Setting up a c between entertainment team

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→ support and support the inhabitants of the 12 municipal sections of Aquin to set up a social and cultural project.

  • All the existing local associations form a federation, the governing bodies of which are representative of the socio-cultural categories of inhabitants and of the gender

  • Development of the statutes and the Rules of Procedure (ROI) of the created federation in which the objectives aimed at the endogenous development of the districts are clearly defined.

  • Planning of 3 axes of local development: socio-cultural - town planning - environment.

  • Activity programs relating to the 3 axes of development are drawn up in a participatory manner and implemented.

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→ animate the socio-cultural center by organizing training, educational, cultural, sporting and recreational activities.

  • 120 inhabitants from the 12 municipal sections involved in the project are trained in IT: initiation, advanced courses, improvement (Word, Excel, Power point, etc.), social networks (tweeter, linkedin, whatsapp, etc.

  • 48 inhabitants from 12 municipal sections including a woman, a man, a young boy and a young girl are trained as catalysts * animators of development

  • Many women are literate

  • Thematic information and awareness campaigns are organized in the center.

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→ forging national awareness among residents as well as respect for the common good.

  • 12 civic education meetings are organized in the center

  • 1 awareness campaign is organized throughout the year through the sections

  • several thousand people are affected and sensitized

  • Positive changes are observed in the agglomeration in terms of public sanitation, housing, public buildings, etc.

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  • Construction of the socio-cultural center

  • Structuring of local associations and definition of local development axes

  • Implementation of the program aimed at health awareness (fight against cholera, epidemics and pandemics, etc.)

  • Implementation of the program aimed at environmental awareness (waste management, reforestation, fight against wild cutting of trees, etc.)

  • Implementation of the program aimed at Cultural Awakening (thematic meetings, conferences, film screenings, performance presentations, creation of cultural landscapes in the neighborhoods (gardens, green spaces, etc.)

  • Implementation of the program aimed at Economic Awakening (support for entrepreneurship of young people, women and visibility of local artisans, etc.)

  • Organize formative and educational actions in the socio-cultural center

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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

→ In terms of town planning, the buildings are built in an anarchic manner which does not meet any town planning standard.

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→ From an environmental point of view, household waste litter the streets and public places. The few existing state infrastructures are either vandalized, poorly maintained, or destroyed. In addition, Aquin is regularly victim of natural disasters. After each passage, the material damage is often enormous, sometimes it is accompanied by loss of human life.

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→ Aware of the deterioration of the city, Aquin nationals living in France formed an association on September 27, 2015 .

→ The project was developed in a participatory manner between the association Précurseur France and Précurseur Haiti. The two associations have, thanks to social and telephone networks, worked remotely on the project. In order to achieve the common object defined in the statutes of two associations, the tasks and roles are clearly defined. On the one hand, Precursor Haiti assists in the development of the district, which requires the creation of a framework for consultation, dialogue which is so lacking. On the other hand, Précurseur France will have to mobilize material and financial resources to finance actions in Haiti (purchase of land to erect the socio-cultural center, popularization of the project among the populations.)

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→ This is a project that takes into account several dimensions of the life of Aquinas inhabitants : social, economic, cultural and environmental:

  • Social dimension: the inhabitants are at the heart of the project in the sense that they must take responsibility for themselves, take initiatives to boost the development of their agglomeration which takes social well-being into account. The meeting space becomes a place of socialization, exchanges, mutual aid.

  • Economic dimension: the inhabitants are called upon to ensure the sustainability of the project. Each year, they democratically determine the annual membership fee payable to everyone who attends the center. They are involved in the financial management of the center with complete transparency, a guarantee of confidence.

  • Environmental dimension: the activities that will be taken within the framework of environmental awareness must respect the environment. Anything that pollutes the environment will be prohibited. Public hygiene and sanitation actions will be developed for the well-being of all.

→ Being a place of resources, the socio-cultural center will be open to everyone without distinction, in particular to students, allowing residents to appropriate cultural substrates and to flourish. The project contributes to the achievement of quality education. The principle of this socio-cultural center is to bring the living forces and the inhabitants of the different sections to rely on the instruments put in place within it in order to jointly define development actions for their municipality. Within the framework of this project, the following activities will be defined and implemented collectively. It's about :

  • Activities intended for residents of neighborhoods which aim to promote health awareness (management of household waste that must not be thrown into the sea, fight against the wild cutting of trees which contributes to global warming),

  • environmental awareness (management of household waste that must not be thrown into the sea, fight against the wild cutting of trees which contributes to global warming),

  • urban development (awareness of anarchic construction.)

→ Haiti is the poorest of the Caribbean, its economy is very low. A large part of the population is unemployed. With its inhabitants living on less than a dollar a day, Haiti has great difficulty in meeting their needs. However, most of the population is young. There is very little infrastructure. The country has a significant deficit, particularly in the area of ​​health. On all these points, the municipality of Aquin is counted among the most disadvantaged.

→ This socio-cultural center is unique because volunteers and professionals bring to life a social and cultural animation project adapted to its territory. The present project aims to organize the inhabitants and generate volunteers among them to organize activities and services with a social, cultural, educational and economic vocation.

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→ The center is based on the adhesion of the inhabitants and on their commitment to make it work; they will join the center by paying a membership fee. Thus, certain services offered to the cente

such as text processing, binding, photocopying, internet consultation will be chargeable.


Endogenous: Which is produced by the structure itself without any external input. (In our case, the development will come from the inhabitants and the authorities specific to Aquin)

Catalyst: Element that causes a reaction not just its presence or its intervention. (In our case, the representatives of each communal section will be a springboard for development because they will be real intermediaries between the socio-cultural center and the inhabitants of each section to know the needs.)

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